Refer to Table 219 for description on the other fields above.
display bgp routing-table peer
Syntax display bgp routing-table peer ip-address { advertised-routes | received-routes }
[ network-address [ mask | mask-length ] | statistic ]
View Any view
Parameters ip-address: IP address of a peer.
advertised-routes: Displays routing information advertised to the specified peer.
received-routes: Displays routing information received from the specified peer.
network-address: IP address of the destination network.
mask: Mask of the destination network, in dotted decimal notation.
mask-length: Mask length, in the range 0 to 32.
statistic: Displays route statistics.
Description Use the
display bgp routing-table peer command to display BGP routing
information advertised to or received from the specified BGP peer.
Related commands: display bgp peer.
Examples # Display BGP routing information advertised to BGP peer
<Sysname> display bgp routing-table peer advertised-routes
Total Number of Routes: 2
BGP Local router ID is
Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - damped,
h - history, i - internal, s - suppressed, S - Stale
Origin:i-IGP,e-EGP, ? - incomplete
Network NextHop MED LocPrf PrefVal Path/Ogn
*> 0 0 i
*> 0 0 i
Refer to Table 219 for description on the fields above.
Table 222 Description on the fields of the display bgp routing flap-info command
Field Description
From Source IP address of the route
Flaps Number of routing flaps
Duration Duration time of the flap route
Reuse Reuse time of the flap route