undo e1 line-number set clock
View CE3 interface view
Parameter line-number: E1 line number in the range 1 to 16.
master: Adopts the internal clock as the clock source.
slave: Adopts the line clock as the clock source.
Description Use the
e1 set clock command to configure clock source for an E1 line on the
CE3 interface.
Use the
undo e1 clock command to restore the default, that is, line clock.
When the CE3 interface is working in channelized mode, you can set separate
clock for each E1 line on it.
Example # Use the internal clock as the clock source on the first E1 line on interface E3 2/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] controller e3 2/0
[Sysname-E3 2/0] e1 1 set clock slave
e1 set frame-format
Syntax e1 line-number set frame-format { crc4 | no-crc4 }
undo e1 line-number set frame-format
View CE3 interface view
Parameter line-number: E1 line number in the range 1 to 16.
crc4: Sets the frame format to CRC4.
no-crc4: Sets the frame format to no-CRC4.
Description Use the
e1 set frame-format command to set framing format for an E1 line.
Use the
undo e1 set frame-format command to restore the default, that is,
Configure this command only when the specified E1 line is working in framed
format (which can be set using the undo e1 unframed command).
Related command: e1 unframed.
Example # Set the framing format to CRC4 for the first E1 line on interface E3 2/0.