
dot1x guest-vlan vlan-id
undo dot1x guest-vlan
View System view/interface view
Parameter vlan-id: ID of the VLAN to be specified as the guest VLAN, in the range 1 to 4094.
interface interface-list: Specifies an Ethernet port list, which can contain multiple
Ethernet ports. The interface-list argument is in the format of interface-list =
{ interface-type interface-number [ to interface-type interface-number ]} &
<1-10>, where interface-type represents the port type, interface-number
represents the port number, and & <1-10> means that you can provide up to 10
port indexes/port index lists for this argument. The start port number must be
smaller than the end number and the two ports must of the same type.
Description Use the
dot1x guest-vlan command to configure the guest VLAN for specified
or all ports.
Use the
undo dot1x guest-vlan command to remove the guest VLAN(s)
configured for specified or all ports.
By default, a port is configured with no guest VLAN.
In system view, this command configures guest VLAN for all ports with
interface-list not provided, and configures guest VLAN for specified with
interface-list provided.
In interface view, you cannot specify the interface-list argument and can only
configure guest VLAN for the current port.
For the guest VLAN feature to take effect on a port, make sure that:
802.1x is enabled.
The port access control method is set to portbased.
The port access control mode is set to auto.
The link type of the port is set to access.
Note that:
You cannot delete a VLAN that has been configured as a guest VLAN.
If the port access control method is set to macbased, the guest VLAN can be
configured successfully, but the configuration does not take effect.
You can specify a tagged VLAN as the guest VLAN for a Hybrid port, but the
guest VLAN does not take effect. Similarly, if a guest VLAN for a Hybrid port is
in operation, you cannot configure the guest VLAN to carry tags.
A super VLAN cannot be set as the guest VLAN. Similarly, a guest VLAN cannot
be set as the super VLAN. For information about super VLAN, refer to “VLAN
Configuration Commands” on page 631.
The guest VLAN function does not apply to non-access interfaces.