Example # Configure the timeout time in a DHCP probe as 10000 milliseconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] nqa entry admin test
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test] type dhcp
[Syaname-nqa-admin-test-dhcp] probe timeout 10000
Syntax reaction item-num checked-element probe-fail threshold-type consecutive
occurrences [ action-type { none | trigger-only } ]
undo reaction item-num
View DHCP/DLSw/FTP/HTTP/ICMP-echo/SNMP/TCP/UDP-echo test type view
Parameter item-num: Number of the collaboration entry, in the range 1 to 10.
checked-element: Type of the monitored element in collaboration. At present,
the type of the monitored element can be probe failure only.
probe-fail: The type of the monitored element is probe failure.
threshold-type consecutive: Threshold type is consecutive probe failures.
occurrences: Number of consecutive probe failures, in the range 1 to 16.
action-type: Triggered action type, defaulting to none.
none: No actions.
trigger-only: Triggers collaboration between other modules only.
Description Use the
reaction command to establish a collaboration entry to monitor the
probe results of the current test group. If the number of consecutive probe failures
reaches the threshold, collaboration with other modules is triggered.
Use the
undo reaction command to remove the collaboration entry.
By default, no collaboration entries are configured.
Note that you cannot modify the content of a collaboration object using the
reaction command after the collaboration object is created.
Related command: “track” on page 2529.
Example # Create collaboration object 1. If the number of consecutive probe failures
reaches 3, collaboration with other modules is triggered.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] nqa entry admin test
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test] type tcp