display voice access-number
Syntax display voice access-number
View Any view
Parameter None
Description Use the
display voice access-number command to display the configuration
information and access numbers in voice AAA client view.
The information displayed includes:
■ Accounting method
■ Enabling or disabling of the authentication, authorization, and accounting
functions for one-stage dialing users
■ Rule for saving CDRs
■ Configuration information for all access numbers
Related command: gw-access-number and aaa-client.
Example # Display the configuration information and access numbers.
<Sysname> display voice access-number
AAA configuration :
accounting-method = start-ack
accounting-did = on
authentication-did = off
authorization-did = on
call history rule:
cdr buffer = 100
cdr duration = 86400
cdr threshold = 50
access number: [ 17909 ]
dialing process = cardnumber
accounting = on
authentication = on
authorization = on
callednum receive = termintor
card digit = 12
password digit = 6
redialing times = 2
access number: [ 201 ]
dialing process = voice-caller
accounting = off
authentication = off
authorization = off
callednum receive = immediate
redialing times = 2
language selected = Chinese