By default, information output to the log buffer is enabled with channel 4
(logbuffer) as the default channel and a maximum buffer size of 512.
Note that the info-center logbuffer command takes effect only after the
information center is enabled with the info-center enable command.
Example # Enable the system to output information to the log buffer with a default buffer
size of 50.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] info-center logbuffer size 50
info-center logfile enable
Syntax info-center logfile enable
undo info-center logfile enable
View System view
Parameter None
Description Use the
info-center logfile enable command to enable the output of system
information to the log file.
Use the
undo info-center logfile enable command to disable the output of
system information to the log file.
By default, the output of system information to the log file is enabled.
The support for the command varies with devices.
Example # Enable the log file feature.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] info-center logfile enable
info-center logfile frequency
Syntax info-center logfile frequency freq-sec
undo info-center logfile frequency
View System view
Parameter freq-sec: Frequency with which the system saves the log file, in the range 1 to
86,400 seconds. The value is with devices.