
dlsw timer
Syntax dlsw timer { cache | connected | explorer | explorer-wait | local-pending |
remote-pending } seconds
undo dlsw timer { cache | connected | explorer | explorer-wait | local-pending |
remote-pending }
View System view
Parameter cache seconds: Timeout time of addresses in SNA cache, in seconds. The effective
range is 1 to 65,535, and the default is 120 seconds.
connected seconds: Connection timeout time in seconds. The effective range is 1
to 65,535, and the default is 300 seconds.
explorer seconds: Remote explorer frame waiting time in seconds. The effective
range is 1 to 65,535, and the default is 30 seconds.
explorer-wait seconds: Local explorer frame waiting time in seconds. The
effective range is 1 to 65,535, and the default is 30 seconds.
local-pending seconds: Local pending time in seconds. The effective range is 1 to
65,535, and effective the default is 30 seconds.
remote-pending seconds: Remote pending time in seconds. The effective range
is 1 to 65535, and the default is 30 seconds.
Description Use the
dlsw timer command to configure DLSw timers.
Use the undo dlsw timer command to restore DLSw timers to the default
You can configure the timers used in creating DLSw circuits to meet your actual
needs. Do this only when necessary.
Example # Configure DLSw timers as follows:
Connection timeout time: 200 seconds
local explorer frame waiting time: 15 seconds
Local pending time: 15 seconds
Remote pending time: 25 seconds
SNA cache address timeout time: default
Remote explorer frame waiting time: default
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] dlsw timer connected 200
[Sysname] dlsw timer explorer-wait 15
[Sysname] dlsw timer local-pending 15
[Sysname] dlsw timer remote-pending 25