■ For the left-right dot match rule, digits which the dots in the output-number
argument correspond to are extracted from left to right according to the
number of dots in the output-number argument to replace the dots in the
output-number argument one by one. The digits that are not extracted in the
input-number argument are discarded. Note that the right-left and left-right
dot match rules are only applicable to the dot handling in the input number
argument and that the extracted digits will always replace the dots in the
output-number argument from left to right.
number-type: Specifies the type of a number.
input-number-type: Type of an input number involved in number substitution. For
the values, see Table 688.
output-number-type: Type of an output number involved in number substitution.
For the values, see Table 689.
numbering-plan: Specifies a numbering plan.
input-numbering-plan: Input numbering plan involved number substitution. For
the values, see Table 690.
Table 688 Input number type
Number type Description
abbreviated Abbreviated number
any Any number
international International number
national National number, but not a local
network Specific service network number
reserved Reserved number
subscriber Local network number
unknown Number of an unknown type
Table 689 Output number type
Number type Description
abbreviated Abbreviated number
international International number
national National number, but not a local network number
network Specific service network number
reserved Reserved number
subscriber Local network number
unknown Number of an unknown type
Table 690 Input numbering plan
Numbering plan Description
any Any numbering plan
data Data numbering plan