Timeout(T0+,T0-) A timeout event occurred. T0+ indicates
that the restart counter is greater than 0;
thus, retransmission is required. T0-
indicates that the restart counter is less
than 0; thus, retransmission is not
Receive-Configure-Request(RCR+,RCR-) A Configure-Request packet was
received from the peer. RCR+ indicates
that the request is acceptable and a
Configure-Ack should be sent back. RCR-
indicates that the request is
unacceptable, and a Configure-Nak or
Configure-Rej should be sent back.
Receive-Configure-Ack(RCA) A valid Configure-Ack packet was
received from the peer. The packet is a
positive response to a configuration
Receive-Configure-Nak/Rej(RCN) A valid Configure-Nak/Rej packet was
received from the peer. The packet is a
negative response to some or all
requested configuration options.
Receive-Terminate-Request(RTR) A Terminate-Request packet was
received indicating that the peer wanted
to close the connection.
Receive-Terminate-Ack(RTA) A Terminate-Ack packet was received
from the peer.
Receive-Unknown-Code(RUC) An unknown packet was received from
the peer.
A Code-Reject or Protocol-Reject packet
was received from the peer. RXJ+
indicates that the rejected options are
within the scope of normal operation and
thus the rejection is acceptable. RXJ-
indicates that the rejected options are
not acceptable and link termination will
Receive-Echo-Request An Echo-Request packet was received
from the peer.
Receive-Echo-Reply An Echo-Reply packet was received from
the peer.
Receive-Discard-Request(RXR) A Discard-Request packet was received
from the peer.
Table 89 Description on the fields of the debugging ppp ipcp command
value Field name Description
2 IP-Compression-Protocol The adopted IP compression protocol.
3 IP Address IP address negotiation.
129 Primary DNS Server Address Requested or allocated the primary DNS
130 Primary NBNS Server Address Requested or allocated the primary NBNS
Table 88 Description on the fields of the debugging ppp event command
Field Description