
display trapbuffer
Syntax display trapbuffer [ size buffersize ]
View Any view
Parameter size buffersize: Displays specified number of the latest trap messages in a trap
buffer, where buffersize represents the number of the latest trap messages in a
trap buffer, in the range 1 to 1,024.
Description Use the
display trapbuffer command to display the state and the trap
information recorded.
Absence of the size buffersize argument indicates that all trap information is
Example # Display the state of the trap buffer and the trap information recorded.
<Sysname> display trapbuffer
Trapping buffer configuration and contents:enabled
Allowed max buffer size : 1024
Actual buffer size : 256
Channel number:3,channel name : trapbuffer
Dropped messages : 0
Overwritten messages : 0
Current messages : 1
#Dec 31 14:01:25 2004 Sysname DEV/2/LOAD FINISHED:
Trap frameIndex is 0, slotIndex 0.4
info-center channel name
Syntax info-center channel channel-number name channel-name
undo info-center channel channel-number
View System view
Table 632 Descriptions on the fields of the display trapbuffer command
Field Description
Trapping buffer configuration
and contents
Indicates the current state of the trap buffer and its
contents, which could be enabled or disabled.
Allowed max buffer size The maximum buffer size allowed
Actual buffer size The actual buffer size
Channel number The channel number of the trap buffer, defaults to 3
Channel name The channel name of the trap buffer, defaults to trapbuffer
Dropped messages The number of dropped messages
Overwritten messages The number of overwritten messages (when the buffer size
is not big enough to hold all messages, the latest messages
overwrite the old ones).
Current messages The number of the current messages.