Parameter None
Description Use the
encrypt-card fast-switch command to enable encryption card fast
Use the
undo encrypt-card fast-switch command to disable encryption card
fast switching.
By default, encryption card fast switching is disabled.
Related command: display encrypt-card fast-switch.
Example # Enable encryption card fast switching.
<sysname> system-view
[sysname] encrypt-card fast-switch
esp authentication-algorithm
Syntax esp authentication-algorithm { md5 | sha1 }
undo esp authentication-algorithm
View IPSec proposal view
Parameter md5: Uses the MD5 algorithm, which uses a 128-bit key.
sha1: Uses the SHA1 algorithm, which uses a 160-bit key.
Description Use the
esp authentication-algorithm command to specify the authentication
algorithm for ESP.
Use the
undo esp authentication-algorithm command to configure ESP so
that ESP does not perform authentication of packets.
By default, the MD5 algorithm is used.
Related command: ipsec proposal, esp encryption-algorithm, proposal, and transform.
Example # Configure IPSec proposal prop1 to use ESP and SHA1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec proposal prop1
[Sysname-ipsec-proposal-prop1] transform esp
[Sysname-ipsec-proposal-prop1] esp authentication-algorithm sha1
esp encryption-algorithm
Syntax esp encryption-algorithm { 3des | aes [ key-length ] | des }