infinity: Disables RPT-to-SPT switchover.
group-policy acl-number: Uses this threshold for multicast groups matching the
specified multicast policy. In this option, acl-number refers to a basic ACL number,
in the range of 2000 to 2999. If you do not include this option in your command,
the threshold will apply on all multicast groups.
order order-value: Specifies the order of the ACL in the group-policy list, where
order-value has an effective range of 1 to (the largest order value in the existing
group-policy list + 1), but the value range should not include the original order
value of the ACL in the group-policy list. If you have assigned an order-value to a
certain ACL, do not specify the same order-value for another ACL; otherwise the
system will give error information. If you do not specify an order-value, the order
value of the ACL will remain the same in the group-policy list.
Description Use the
spt-switch-threshold command to configure the RPT-to-SPT switchover
Use the
undo spt-switch-threshold command to restore the default
By default, the device switches to the SPT immediately after it receives the first
multicast packet from the RPT.
Note that:
■ To adjust the order of an existing ACL in the group-policy list, you can use the
acl-number argument to specify this ACL and set its order-value. This will insert
the ACL to the position of order-value in the group-policy list. The order of the
other existing ACLs in the group-policy list will remain unchanged.
■ To use an ACL that does not exist in the group-policy list, you can use the
acl-number argument to specify an ACL and set its order-value. This will insert
the ACL to the position of order-value in the group-policy list. If you do not
include the order order-value option in your command, the ACL will be
appended to the end of the group-policy list.
■ If you use this command multiple times on the same multicast group, the first
traffic rate configuration matched in sequence will take effect.
Example # Set the traffic rate threshold to trigger RPT-to-SPT switchover to 4 kbps in the
public instance.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] pim
[Sysname-pim] spt-switch-threshold 4
# In the public instance create a group-policy with the ACL number of 2010 and
the traffic rate threshold of 100 kbps, and insert the ACL to the first position.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] pim
[Sysname-pim] spt-switch-threshold 100 group-policy 2010 order 1