Description Use the arp max-learning-num command to set the maximum number of
dynamic ARP entries that an interface can learn.
Use the
undo arp max-learning-num command to restore the default.
Example # Set the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries that can be learned on
VLAN-interface 40 to 500.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 40
[Sysname-Vlan-interface40]arp max-learning-num 500
arp static
Syntax arp static ip-address mac-address [ vlan-id interface-type interface-number ]
[ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]
undo arp ip-address [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]
View System view
Parameter ip-address: IP address in an ARP entry.
mac-address: MAC address in an ARP entry, in the format H-H-H.
vlan-id: ID of a VLAN to which a static ARP entry belongs to, in the range 1 to
interface-type interface-number: Interface type and interface number.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Name of a VLAN instance, a case-sensitive
string of 1 to 31 characters.
Description Use the
arp static command to configure a static ARP entry in the ARP mapping
Use the
undo arp command to remove an ARP entry.
Note that:
■ A static ARP entry is effective when the device works normally. However, when
the VLAN or VLAN interface to which an ARP entry corresponds is deleted, the
entry, if permanent, will be deleted, and if non-permanent and resolved, will
become unresolved.
■ The vlan-id argument is used to specify the corresponding VLAN of an ARP
entry and must be the ID of an existing VLAN. In addition, the Ethernet
interfaces following the argument must belong to that VLAN. The VLAN
interface of the VLAN must have been created.
■ Before using the command with the vpn-instance keyword to configure a
permanent static ARP entry, you need to create a VPN instance and bind it to
the VLAN interface.