replace: Specifies to forward messages containing option 82 after replacing the
original option 82 with the option 82 padded in the specified padding format.
Description Use the
dhcp relay information strategy command to configure DHCP relay
agent handling strategy for messages containing option 82.
Use the
undo dhcp relay information strategy command to restore the
default handling strategy.
The handling strategy for messages containing option 82 defaults to replace.
Example # Configure the DHCP relay agent handling strategy for messages containing
option 82 as keep.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface ethernet 1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] dhcp relay information enable
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] dhcp relay information strategy keep
dhcp relay release ip
Syntax dhcp relay release ip client-ip
View System view
Parameter client-ip: DHCP client IP address.
Description Use the
dhcp relay release ip command to send a release request to a specified
DHCP server for releasing a specified client IP address.
Example # Send a release request to the DHCP server for releasing the IP address
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] dhcp relay release ip
dhcp relay security static
Syntax dhcp relay security static ip-address mac-address [ interface interface-type
interface-number ]
undo dhcp relay security { ip-address | all | dynamic | static }
View System view
Parameter ip-address: Specifies a client IP address for creating a static binding.
mac-address: Specifies a client MAC address for creating a static binding, in the
format H-H-H.