display bgp ipv6 routing-table as-path-acl
Syntax display bgp ipv6 routing-table as-path-acl as-path-acl-number
View Any view
Parameters as-path-acl-number: Number of an AS path ACL permitted by which to display
routing information, ranging from 1 to 256.
Description Use the
display bgp ipv6 routing-table as-path-acl command to display
routes filtered through the specified AS path ACL.
Status codes Status codes:
* - valid
> - best
d - damped
h - history
i - internal (IGP)
s - summary suppressed (suppressed)
S - Stale
Origin i - IGP (originated in the AS)
e - EGP (learned through EGP)
? - incomplete (learned by other means)
Network Destination network address
PrefixLen Prefix length
NextHop Next Hop
LocPrf Local preference value
Path AS_PATH attribute, recording the ASs the packet has passed to avoid
routing loops
PrefVal Preferred value
Label Label
Ogn Origin attribute of the route, which can take on one of the following
i Indicates that a route is interior to the AS.
Summary routes and the routes configured using the
network command are considered IGP routes.
e Indicates that a route is learned from the exterior
gateway protocol (EGP).
? Short for INCOMPLETE. It indicates that the origin of a
route is unknown and the route is learned by other
means. BGP sets Origin attribute of routes learned from
other IGP protocols to INCOMPLETE.
Table 291 Description on the fields of the display bgp ipv6 routing-table command
Field Description