undo seizure-ack enable
View R2 CAS view
Parameter None
Description Use the
seizure-ack enable command to configure the originating point to
require the terminating point to send seizure acknowledgement signal during R2
line signaling exchange.
Use the
undo seizure-ack enable command to restore the default.
By default, the originating point requires the terminating point to send seizure
acknowledgement signal.
This command applies to R2 signaling only.
Normally, the terminating point acknowledges received seizure signals. The R2 line
signaling coding schemes in some countries however do not require the
terminating point to do this. To accommodate to these schemes, you can
configure the undo seizure-ack enable command, allowing the terminating
point not to acknowledge received seizure signals.
Related command: timer dl seizure.
Example # Disable the terminating point to send seizure acknowledgement signals.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] controller e1 1/0
[Sysname-e1 1/0] timeslot-set 0 timeslot-list 1-31 signal r2
[Sysname-e1 1/0] cas 0
[Sysname-cas1/0:0] undo seizure-ack enable
Syntax select-mode [ max | maxpoll | min | minpoll ]
undo select-mode
View CAS view
Parameter max: Selects the timeslot with the greatest number from currently available
maxpoll: Selects the timeslot with the greatest number from available timeslots in
the first timeslot polling; in later pollings, selects in descending order timeslots
with numbers less than the one picked out in the previous polling. Suppose TS31
and TS29 are not available. In the first polling, TS30 will be picked out for use and
in the next polling, TS28.
min: Selects the timeslot with the lowest number from available timeslots.