Use the undo ftp server command to disable the FTP server.
By default, the FTP server is disabled to prevent attacks.
Example # Disable the FTP server.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] undo ftp server
% Close FTP server
ftp timeout
Syntax ftp timeout minute
undo ftp timeout
View System view
Parameter minute: Idle-timeout timer in minutes, in the range 1 to 35791. The default is 30
Description Use the
ftp timeout command to set the idle-timeout timer.
Use the
undo ftp timeout command to restore the default.
After you log onto the FTP server, you set up an FTP connection. When the
connection is disrupted, the FTP server, if not notified, cannot realize that and
maintains the connection all the same. To address this problem, you can set an
idle-timeout timer to have the FTP server disconnected if no information is received
or/and transmitted before the timer expires.
Example # Set the idle-timeout timer to 36 minutes.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ftp timeout 36
ftp update
Syntax ftp update { fast | normal }
undo ftp update
View System view
Parameter fast: Fast update.
normal: Normal update.
Description Use the
ftp update command to set the file update mode that the FTP server
uses while receiving data.