falling-threshold threshold-value2 event-entry2: Sets the falling threshold,
where threshold-value2 represents the falling threshold, in the range
-2147483648 to +2147483647 and event-entry2 represents the index of the
event triggered when the falling threshold is reached. It ranges from 0 to 65535,
with 0 meaning no corresponding event is triggered and no event action is taken
when an alarm is triggered.
owner text: Owner of the entry, a string of 1 to 127 characters. It is case sensitive
and space is supported.
Description Use the
rmon alarm command to create an entry in the RMON alarm table.
Use the undo rmon alarm command to remove a specified entry from the
RMON alarm table.
This command defines alarms. The generation and notification of an alarm
however, is controlled by the event entry associated with it.
The following is how the system handles alarm entries:
1 Samples the alarm variables at the specified interval.
2 Compares the sampled values with the predefined threshold and does the
■ If the rising threshold is reached, triggers the event specified by the
event-entry1 argument.
■ If the falling threshold is reached, triggers the event specified by the
event-entry2 argument.
■ Before creating an alarm entry, define the events to be referenced in the event
table with the rmon event command.
■ When you create an entry, if the values of the specified alarm variable
(alarm-variable), sampling interval (sampling-interval), sampling type (absolute
or delta), rising threshold (threshold-value1) and falling threshold
(threshold-value2) are identical to those of the existing alarm entry, the system
considers their configurations the same and the creation fails.
■ You can create up to 60 alarm entries.
■ The rising alarm and falling alarm are alternate.
Example # Add entry 1 in the alarm table and sample the node at
a sampling interval of 10 seconds in absolute sampling type. Generate event 1
when the sampled value is greater than or equal to the rising threshold of 50, and
event 2 when the sampled value is lower than or equal to the falling threshold of
5. Set the owner of the entry to be user1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rmon event 1 log
[Sysname] rmon event 2 none
[Sysname] interface ethernet 1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] rmon statistics 1
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] quit
[Sysname] rmon alarm 1 10 absolute rising_t
hreshold 50 1 falling_threshold 5 2 owner user1