source-policy (PIM view)
Syntax source-policy acl-number
undo source-policy
View Public instance PIM view, VPN instance PIM view
Parameter acl-number: Basic or advanced ACL number, in the range of 2000 to 3999.
Description Use the
source-policy command to configure a multicast data filter.
Use the undo source-policy command to remove the configured multicast data
By default, no multicast data filter is configured.
Note that:
■ If you specify a basic ACL, the device filters all the received multicast packets
based on the source address, and discards packets that fail the source address
■ If you specify an advanced ACL, the device filters all the received multicast
packets based on the source and group addresses, and discards packets that
fail the match.
■ If this command is executed repeatedly, the last configuration will take effect.
Example # In the public instance configure the router to accept multicast packets originated
from and discard multicast packets originated from
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] acl number 2000
[Sysname-acl-basic-2000] rule permit source 0
[Sysname-acl-basic-2000] rule deny source 0
[Sysname-acl-basic-2000] quit
[Sysname] pim
[Sysname-pim] source-policy 2000
spt-switch-threshold (PIM view)
Syntax spt-switch-threshold { traffic-rate | infinity } [ group-policy acl-number [ order
order-value ]]
undo spt-switch-threshold [ group-policy acl-number ]
View Public instance PIM view, VPN instance PIM view
Parameter traffic-rate: Traffic rate threshold that will trigger RPT-to-SPT switchover, in units of
kbps. The effective range is 1 to 4,194,304.