
display voice default all
Syntax display voice default all
View Any view
Parameter None
Description Use the
display voice default all command to view the current default values
and the system-fixed default values for voice and fax. For example, truncated
called number is used according to the default settings and system-fixed default
For example, the carrier transmission energy level of GW defaults to 10 (the
system-fixed default value is 15).
Table 676 Description on fields of the display voice cmc command
Field Description
GblCallID Indicates the global ID of the call.
CalledAddr Indicates the called number of the call.
CalledAddrSubst Indicates the called number after substitution
CallerAddr Indicates the caller number of the call.
CallerAddrSubst Indicates the caller number after substitution
CallInfoTabIndex Indicates the call information index of the call.
Call Leg Number Indicates the number of call legs of the call
Active Service Indicates the number of services involved in the call
Spl Protocol Indicates the type of protocol used in the call leg
LocalRef Indicates the local call identifier of the call leg.
IfIndex Indicates the voice interface index connected to the call leg
IpAddress Indicates the IP address connected to the call leg
IpPort Indicates the port number connected to the call leg
LegState Indicates the state of the call leg
ConnectState Indicates the state of connection of the call
SETUP message Statistics of SETUP message
SETUP_ACK message Statistics of SETUP_ACK message
ALERTING message Statistics of ALERTING message
CONNECT message Statistics of CONNECT message
RELEASE message Statistics of RELEASE message
RELEASE_COMP message Statistics of RELEASE_COMP message
INFORMATION message Statistics of INFORMATION message
SWITCH_CODEC message Statistics of SWITCH_CODEC message
FAXVOC_SWTH message Statistics of FAXVOC_SWTH message
FAXVOC_SWTHACK message Statistics of FAXVOC_SWTHACK message