Description Use the lsdb-overflow-limit command to specify the upper limit of external
LSAs in the LSDB.
Use the
undo lsdb-overflow-limit command to cancel limitation.
External LSAs in the LSDB are unlimited by default.
Examples # Specify the upper limit of external LSAs as 400000.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ospf 100
[Sysname-ospf-100] lsdb-overflow-limit 400000
maximum load-balancing (OSPF view)
Syntax maximum load-balancing maximum
undo maximum load-balancing
View OSPF view
Parameters maximum: Maximum number of load-balanced routes, in the range 1 to 8. A
maximum of 1 means no load balancing is enabled.
Description Use the
maximum load-balancing command to specify the maximum number
of load-balanced routes.
Use the
undo maximum load-balancing command to restore the default.
Examples # Specify the maximum number of load-balanced routes as 2.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ospf 100
[Sysname-ospf-100] maximum load-balancing 2
Syntax maximum-routes { external | inter | intra } number
undo maximum-routes { external | inter | intra }
View OSPF view
Parameters external: Specifies the maximum number of external routes.
inter: Specifies the maximum number of inter-area routes.
intra: Specifies the maximum number of intra-area routes.
number: Maximum route number in the range 1 to 10000.