Total (*, G) join(s): 1, (S, G) join(s): 0, (S, G, rpt) prune(s): 1
display pim ipv6 neighbor
Syntax display pim ipv6 neighbor [ interface interface-type interface-number |
ipv6-neighbor-address | verbose ] *
View Any view
Parameter interface-type interface-number: Displays the IPv6 PIM neighbor information on a
particular interface.
ipv6-neighbor-address: Displays the information of a particular IPv6 PIM neighbor.
verbose: Displays the detailed IPv6 PIM neighbor information.
Description Use the
display pim ipv6 neighbor command to view the IPv6 PIM neighbor
Example # View the information of all IPv6 PIM neighbors.
<Sysname> display pim neighbor
Total Number of Neighbors = 2
Neighbor Interface Uptime Expires Dr-Priority
FE80::A01:101:1 Eth1/0 02:50:49 00:01:31 1
FE80::A01:102:1 Eth1/1 02:49:39 00:01:42 1
Table 359 Description on the fields of the display pim join-prune command
Field Description
Expiry Time: Expiry time of sending join/prune messages
Upstream nbr: IPv6 address of the upstream IPv6 PIM neighbor and the
interface connecting to it
(*, G) join(s) Number of (*, G) joins to send
(S, G) join(s) Number of (S, G) joins to send
(S, G, rpt) prune(s) Number of (S, G, rpt) prunes
Table 360 Description on the fields of the display pim ipv6 neighbor command
Field Description
Total Number of Neighbors Total number of IPv6 PIM neighbors
Neighbor IPv6 address of the PIM neighbor
Interface Interface connecting the IPv6 PIM neighbor
Uptime Length of time since the IPv6 PIM neighbor was
Expires Remaining time of the IPv6 PIM neighbor
Dr-Priority Designated router priority