[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 100 manual
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-manual-policy1-100] proposal prop1
reset encrypt-card fast-switch
Syntax reset encrypt-card fast-switch
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Parameter None
Description Use the
reset encrypt-card fast-switch command to clear encryption card fast
switching entries.
Note that:
■ This command clears all the fast switching entries. All IP fast switching entries
using the encryption card interface as the inbound interface or outbound
interface will also be cleared.
■ Once cleared by this command, the fast switching entries cannot be restored.
■ Some other actions or events can also clear encryption card fast switching
entries, such as disabling the encryption card, resetting the encryption card,
hot plugging the encryption card, unbinding a policy and clearing the SA.
Related command: display encrypt-card fast-switch.
Example # Clear all encryption card fast switching entries.
<sysname> reset encrypt-card fast-switch
reset ipsec sa
Syntax reset ipsec sa [ parameters dest-address protocol spi | policy policy-name
[ seq-number ] | remote ip-address ]
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Parameter parameters dest-address protocol spi: Specifies the destination address, security
protocol and SPI (Security Parameter Index) of an SA.
dest-address: Destination address in dotted decimal notation.
protocol: Security protocol, which can be keyword ah or esp, case insensitive.
spi: Security parameter index in the range 256 to 4294967295.
policy: Specifies an IPSec policy.