ipx encapsulation
Syntax ipx encapsulation [ dot2 | dot3 | ethernet-2 | snap ]
undo ipx encapsulation
View Interface view
Parameter dot2: Specifies the encapsulation format as Ethernet_802.2.
dot3: Specifies the encapsulation format as Ethernet_802.3.
ethernet-2: Specifies the encapsulation format as Ethernet_II.
snap: Specifies the encapsulation format as Ethernet_SNAP.
Description Use the
ipx encapsulation command to specify an IPX frame encapsulation
format for the current interface.
Use the
undo ipx encapsulation command to restore the default IPX frame
encapsulation format.
By default, IPX frame encapsulation format is dot3 (Ethernet_802.3).
The command is only applicable to the layer 3 Ethernet interface and the VLAN
Example # Specify the IPX frame encapsulation format on the interface 1/0 as Ethernet_II.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface ethernet 1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] ipx encapsulation ethernet-2
ipx netbios-propagation
Syntax ipx netbios-propagation
undo ipx netbios-propagation
View Interface view
Parameter None
Description Use the
ipx netbios-propagation command to enable the interface to forward
the type 20 broadcast packets.
Use the
undo ipx netbios-propagation command to disable the interface from
forwarding the type 20 broadcast packets.
By default, type 20 broadcast packets are not forwarded.