
Parameters de: Discards the FR packet whose DE flag bit is 1 when congestion occurs.
ecn: Processes the BECN and FECN flag bits of FR packets when congestion
queue-percentage: Network congestion threshold, the occupation ratio of the
interface queue, equal to the percentage of current queue length to the total
queue length of the interface, ranging from 1 to 100. By default, it is 100.
Description Use the
fr congestion-threshold command to enable congestion management
function of a FR interface.
Use the
undo fr congestion-threshold command to disable this function.
By default, the congestion management function of a FR interface is disabled.
This command is similar to the congestion-threshold command. The difference
is that this command is applied to FR interfaces, while the congestion-threshold
command is applied to FR virtual circuit.
The command can only be used for FR DCE interfaces or NNI interfaces.
Related commands: congestion-threshold.
Examples # Set to process the flag bit of a FR packet when the interface queue length
exceeds 80% of the total length.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname]interface Serial 1/0
[Sysname-Serial1/0] fr congestion-threshold de 80
fr de del
Syntax fr de del list-number dlci dlci-number
undo fr de del list-number dlci dlci-number
View Frame relay interface (main interface or subinterface) view, MFR interface view
Parameters list-number: DE rule list number, ranging from 1 to 10.
dlci-number: Frame relay virtual circuit number, ranging from 16 to 1007.
Description Use the
fr de del command to apply a DE rule list to the specified FR virtual
Use the
undo fr de del command to delete a DE rule list from virtual circuit.
By default, no DE rule list is applied to FR virtual circuit.