
out-interface interface-type interface-number: Displays all the policies that use
the specified interface as the outbound interface, where interface-type
interface-number is the interface type and interface number.
active: Displays active policies only.
inactive: Displays inactive policies only.
Description Use the
display acfp policy-info command to display the ACFP policy
Note the following:
When you use this command to display the policy information applied by the
specified ACFP client, if you specify the policy-index argument, the command
will display the information about the policy whose number is policy-index
delivered by the ACFP client with an ID of client-id. Otherwise, the command
will display the information about all the policies delivered by the ACFP client
with an ID of client-id.
If neither the active nor inactive keyword is specified, the command will
display all the active or inactive policies.
If no argument is specified, the command will display the information about all
the policies.
Example # Display the information about the effective policies for all the interfaces that use
Ethernet 1/0 as the inbound interface.
<Sysname> display acfp policy-info in-interface ethernet 1/0 active
ACFP policy total number: 1
ClientID: 1 Policy-Index: 2
Rule-Num: 20 ContextID: 2007
Exist-Time: 100000(s) Life-Time: 864000(s)
Start-Time: 9:00 End-Time: 12:00
Admin-Status: enable Effect-Status: active
In-Interface: e1/0
Out-Interface: e1/1
Dest-Interface: g0/0
Table 651 Description on the fields of the display acfp policy-info command
Field Description
ACFP policy total number Total number of ACFP policies
ClientID Client ID, index of the client list
Policy-Index Policy index
Rule-Num Number of rules under the policy
ContextID Context ID of the packet
Exist-Time For how long the policy has existed, in seconds
Life-Time Policy validity, in seconds
Start-Time Policy start time
End-Time Policy end time
Admin-Status Policy administration status
Effect-Status Whether the policy effective