out-interface interface-type interface-number: Displays all the policies that use
the specified interface as the outbound interface, where interface-type
interface-number is the interface type and interface number.
active: Displays active policies only.
inactive: Displays inactive policies only.
Description Use the
display acfp policy-info command to display the ACFP policy
Note the following:
■ When you use this command to display the policy information applied by the
specified ACFP client, if you specify the policy-index argument, the command
will display the information about the policy whose number is policy-index
delivered by the ACFP client with an ID of client-id. Otherwise, the command
will display the information about all the policies delivered by the ACFP client
with an ID of client-id.
■ If neither the active nor inactive keyword is specified, the command will
display all the active or inactive policies.
■ If no argument is specified, the command will display the information about all
the policies.
Example # Display the information about the effective policies for all the interfaces that use
Ethernet 1/0 as the inbound interface.
<Sysname> display acfp policy-info in-interface ethernet 1/0 active
ACFP policy total number: 1
ClientID: 1 Policy-Index: 2
Rule-Num: 20 ContextID: 2007
Exist-Time: 100000(s) Life-Time: 864000(s)
Start-Time: 9:00 End-Time: 12:00
Admin-Status: enable Effect-Status: active
In-Interface: e1/0
Out-Interface: e1/1
Dest-Interface: g0/0
Table 651 Description on the fields of the display acfp policy-info command
Field Description
ACFP policy total number Total number of ACFP policies
ClientID Client ID, index of the client list
Policy-Index Policy index
Rule-Num Number of rules under the policy
ContextID Context ID of the packet
Exist-Time For how long the policy has existed, in seconds
Life-Time Policy validity, in seconds
Start-Time Policy start time
End-Time Policy end time
Admin-Status Policy administration status
Effect-Status Whether the policy effective