standby bandwidth
Syntax standby bandwidth size
undo standby bandwidth
View Interface view
Parameter size: Specifies the main interface bandwidth used for setting the thresholds, in the
range 0 to 4000000 kbps.
UPDELAY The backup interface is experiencing a delay before it transits from the
non-working state to the working state to take over.
DOWN The backup interface cannot work normally.
DOWNDELAY The backup interface is experiencing a delay before it transits from the
working state to the non-working state. At this time, the backup interface
is probably still working.
STANDBY State of the backup interface when the main interface is working. At this
time, the backup interface cannot send or receive data.
Table 586 Backup flags
Flag Description
M---MAIN Indicates that the interface is a main one.
B---BACKUP Indicates that the interface is a backup one.
V---MOVED Indicates that the interface or the main interface of the interface, or all
backup interfaces of the interface are all removed.
U---USED Indicates that the interface is being used as a main interface or backup
D---LOAD Indicates that the main interface participates in load sharing.
P---PULLED Indicates that the interface board where the interface is located is
Table 587 Load sharing states
State Description
WAKE The backup interface is working in the load sharing state to transmit
data together with the main interface.
TO-HYPNOTIZE The backup interface is transiting from the working state to the
non-working state after the traffic size decreases below the lower
backup load sharing threshold. In this state, the backup interface is still
TO-WAKE The backup interface is transiting from the non-working state to the
working state after the traffic size increases above the upper backup
load sharing threshold.
Null State other than the above three. At this time, the value for the
loadstate field is null.
Table 585 Backup states of the backup interface
State Description