By default, a BRI interface does not originate a SPID negotiation request unless
triggered by a call.
This command applies only on the BRI interface running the NI protocol.
Example # Manually trigger a new SPID negotiation request on the interface BRI 1/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface bri 1/0
[Sysname-Bri1/0] isdn spid auto_trigger
isdn spid nit
Syntax isdn spid nit
undo isdn spid nit
View ISDN BRI interface view
Parameter None
Description Use the
isdn spid nit command to set the SPID processing mode to NIT (Not
Initial Terminal) on an NI-compliant BRI interface.
Use the
undo isdn spid nit command to disable the NIT mode on the BRI
By default, NIT mode does not apply on BRI interfaces. Instead, static SPID or
dynamic SPID negotiation is applied.
On an NI-compliant BRI interface, calls can be placed only after the SPID
negotiation or initialization is finished. When the router is communicating with an
NI-compliant exchange that does not support SPID negotiation, you can use this
command to set the SPID processing mode on the router to NIT and the ISDN will
ignore ISPID negotiation and initialization.
This command applies only on NI-compliant BRI interfaces.
Example # Ignore SPID negotiation and initialization on the interface BRI 1/0, adopting the
NIT mode.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface bri 1/0
[Sysname-Bri1/0] isdn spid nit
isdn spid timer
Syntax isdn spid timer seconds
undo isdn spid timer