The next hop address cannot be a local public address when configuring the static
CR-LSP on the ingress or a transit node.
Example # Configure a static CR-LSP on the transit node, setting its name to tunnel34,
incoming interface to Serial 1/0, incoming label to 123, outgoing interface to
Serial 1/1, outgoing label to 253, and required bandwidth to 20 kbps.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] static-cr-lsp transit tunnel34 incoming-interface serial 1/0 in-la
bel 123 outgoing-interface serial 1/1 out-label 253 bandwidth 20
Syntax te-set-subtlv { bw-constraint value | lo-multiplier value | unreserved-bw-sub-pool
value } *
undo te-set-subtlv { bw-constraint | lo-multiplier | unreserved-bw-sub-pool } *
View IS-IS view
Parameter bw-constraint: Sets the bandwidth constraint sub-TLV.
lo-multiplier: Sets the sub-TLV of local overbooking multiplier (LOM).
unreserved-bw-sub-pool: Sets the sub-TLV of unreserved subpool bandwidth.
value: Sub-TLV in the range 19 to 254.
Description Use the
te-set-subtlv command to configure the sub-TLVs carrying the DS-TE
parameters. As no standard is available for these sub-TLVs, you need to configure
them manually for interoperability with other vendors’ devices.
Use the
undo te-set-subtlv command to restore the default.
By default, the bandwidth constraint sub-TLV is 252, the sub-TLV of LOM is 253,
and the sub-TLV of unreserved subpool bandwidth is 251.
Related command: display isis traffic-eng sub-tlvs.
Example # Configure sub-TLVs for IS-IS process 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] isis 1
[Sysname-isis-1] te-set-subtlv bw-constraint 200 lo-multiplier 201 u
nreserve-bw-sub-pool 202
Syntax traffic-eng [ level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2 ]
undo traffic-eng [ level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2 ]