dns domain
Syntax dns domain domain-name
undo dns domain [ domain-name ]
View System view
Parameter domain-name: Domain name suffix, which is case-insensitive and consists of
character strings separated by a dot (for example, aabbcc.com). Each separated
string contains no more than 63 characters. The length of a domain name suffix
with dots included is up to 238 characters. Character strings can contain letters,
digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and dots (.).
Description Use the
dns domain command to configure a domain name suffix.
Use the undo dns domain command to delete a domain name suffix (with a
domain name suffix specified) or all domain name suffixes (with no domain name
suffix specified).
No domain name suffix is configured by default.
You can configure a maximum of 10 domain name suffixes.
Related command: display dns domain.
Example # Configure com as a DNS suffix.
[Sysname] dns domain com
dns proxy enable
Syntax dns proxy enable
undo dns proxy enable
View System view
Table 151 Description on fields of the display ip host command
Field Description
Host Host name
Age Time to live. 0 means that a static mapping will never age out.
You can only manually remove the mappings between host names and
IP addresses.
Flags Indicates the type of mappings between host names and IP addresses,
static or dynamic.
Static represents static domain name resolution.
Address Host IP addresses