Examples # Display the statistics of all the IPv6 prefix lists.
<Sysname> display ip ipv6-prefix
Prefix-list6 abc
Permitted 0
Denied 0
index: 10 permit ::/0
index: 20 permit ::/1 ge 1 le 128
if-match ipv6
Syntax if-match ipv6 { address | next-hop | route-source } { acl acl6-number | prefix-list
ipv6-prefix-name }
undo if-match ipv6 { address | next-hop | route-source } [ acl | prefix-list ]
View Routing policy view
Parameters address: Matches the destination address of IPv6 routing information.
next-hop: Matches the next hop of IPv6 routing information.
route-source: Matches the source address of IPv6 routing information.
acl acl6-number: Specifies the number of an IPv6 ACL for filtering, in the range
2000 to 3999 for address, and 2000 to 2999 for next-hop and route-source.
prefix-list ipv6-prefix-name: Specifies the name of a IPv6 prefix list for filtering, a
string of 1 to 19 characters.
Description Use the
if-match ipv6 command to configure a destination, next hop or source
address based match criterion for IPv6 routes.
Use the
undo if-match ipv6 command to remove the match criterion.
The match criterion is not configured by default.
Examples # Create a routing policy named policy1 with node 10, matching mode as permit.
Define an if-match clause to permit the routing information whose next hop
address matches IPv6 prefix list p1.
Table 286 Description on the fields of the display ip ipv6-prefix command
Field Description
Prefix-list6 Name of the IPv6 prefix list
Permitted Number of routes satisfying the match criterion
Denied Number of routes not satisfying the match criterion
Index Internal serial number of address prefix list
Permit Matching mode: permit, deny
::/1 IPv6 address and its prefix length for matching
ge greater-equal, the lower limit prefix length
Le less-equal, the upper limit prefix length