
clock datetime
Syntax clock datetime time date
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Parameter time: Current time in the format of HH:MM:SS, where HH is hours in the range 0
to 23, MM is minutes in the range 0 to 59, and SS is seconds in the range 0 to 59.
The zeros in the argument can be omitted except for indicating 0 hours.
date: Current date in the format of MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD. MM is the
month of the year in the range 1 to 12, DD is the day of the month that varies
with months, and YYYY is a year in the range 2000 to 2035.
Description Use the
clock datetime command to set the current time and date.
The current time and date of the device must be set in an environment that
requires the acquisition of absolute time.
You may choose not to provide seconds when inputting the time parameters.
After the configuration takes effect, you can use the display clock command to
view it.
Related command: clock summer-time one-off, clock summer-time repeating, clock timezone,
display clock.
Example # Set the current system time to 14:10:20 08/01/2005.
<Sysname> clock datetime 14:10:20 08/01/2005
# Set the current system time to 00:06 01/01/2007.
<Sysname> clock datetime 0:6 2007/1/1
clock summer-time one-off
Syntax clock summer-time zone-name one-off start-time start-date end-time end-date
undo clock summer-time