Example # Enable data read blocking.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rta template abc
[Sysname-rta-template-abc] data read block
data send delay
Syntax data send delay milliseconds
undo data send delay
View Terminal template view
Parameters milliseconds: Data send delay, in milliseconds, ranging 1 to 1,000.
Description Use the
data send delay command to set the data send delay of the terminal.
Use the undo data send delay command to restore the default.
By default; the data send delay is 0 milliseconds, namely, there is no data send
A router configured with data send delay begins to send the data received from a
terminal to an FEP after the configured data send delay time expires.
Example # Set the data send delay time to 50 milliseconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rta template abc
[Sysname-rta-template-abc] data send delay 50
display rta
Syntax display rta { all | statistics | terminal-number { brief | detail | statistics |
vty-number }}
View Any view
Parameters all: Displays information about all the terminals.
statistics: Displays terminal statistics.
terminal-number: Terminal number, ranging 1 to 255.
brief: Displays brief information about the specified terminal.
detail: Displays detailed information about the specified terminal.
vty-number: Displays information about the specified VTY. VTY number ranges
from 0 to 7.