
Blockade Multiplier: 4
Graceful Restart: ENABLE
Restart Time: 200 sec Recovery Time: 150 sec
# Display the RSVP-TE configuration on interface Ethernet 1/0.
<Sysname> display mpls rsvp-te interface ethernet 1/0
Interface Ethernet1/0
Interface state: UP
Total-BW: 80 Used-BW: 20
Hello configured: NO Num of Neighbors: 1
SRefresh feature: ENABLE SRefresh Interval: 30sec
Authentication: DISABLE Reliability configured: NO
Retransmit Interval: 500msec Increment Value: 1
Table 394 Description on the fields of the display mpls rsvp-te command
Field Description
LSR ID Label switched Router ID, in the
format of X.X.X.X
Resv Confirmation Request Reserved confirmation request
RSVP Hello Extension State of the hello mechanism: enabled
or disabled
Hello Interval Hello interval, in seconds
Max Hello misses Maximum number of consecutive
hello losses before a neighbor is
considered dead
Path and Resv message refresh interval Path and reservation message refresh
interval, in seconds
Path and Resv message refresh retries count Number of Path and Resv message
Blockade Multiplier Blockade multiplier
Graceful Restart State of GR: enabled or disabled
Restart Time GR restart interval in seconds
Recovery Time GR recovery interval in seconds
Table 395 Description on the fields of the display mpls rsvp-te interface command
Field Description
Interface Ethernet1/0 RSVP-TE enabled interface
Interface state Physical interface state
Total-BW Total bandwidth (in kbps)
Used-BW Used bandwidth (in kbps)
Hello configured State of the hello mechanism: enabled or disabled
Num of Neighbors Number of neighbors connected to the interface
Srefresh feature State of the summary refresh function: enabled or disabled
Srefresh interval Summary refresh interval (in seconds)
Authentication State of authentication: enabled or disabled
Reliability Whether the reliability feature is configured: yes or no
Retransmit interval Initial retransmission interval (in milliseconds)
Increment value Increment value delta which governs the speed with which the
interface increases the retransmission interval