Description Use the sdlc modulo command to configure the modulus of the SDLC.
Use the undo sdlc modulo command to restore the default setting.
By default, the SDLC modulus is 8.
Like X.25, SDLC uses the modulus method to number frames. All frames sent are
numbered incrementally and await an acknowledgment. When the frame number
reaches the configured value (referred to as “modulus value”), subsequent frames
are numbered from 1 again. For example, if the modulus value is set to 8, frames
are numbered ...4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, ...
SDLC normally uses 8 as the modulus value.
Example # Restore the modulus value of SDLC to the default setting on Serial 2/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] undo sdlc modulo
sdlc sap-map local
Syntax sdlc sap-map local lsap sdlc-addr
undo sdlc sap-map local lsap sdlc-addr
View Synchronous serial interface view
Parameter lsap: SAP address, in the range of 0x01 to 0xFE.
sdlc-addr: SDLC address, in the range of 0x01 to 0xFE.
Description Use the
sdlc sap-map local command to configure the local SAP address to be
used in SDLC-to-LLC2 frame format conversion.
Use the
undo sdlc sap-map local command to restore the system default.
By default, the local SAP address used in SDLC-to-LLC2 frame format conversion is
When an SDLC frame is converted into an LLC2 frame, a SAP address is needed in
addition to the MAC address.
Generally speaking, the SAP address used by the SNA protocol is 0x04, 0x08 or
Related command: sdlc sap-map remote.
Example # Configure the SAP address to be used in SDLC-to-LLC2 frame format conversion
on Serial 2/0.