When multiple rules are present, the device matches packets in the sequence that
rules are configured.
Related commands: qos pql protocol.
Examples # Configure classification rule based on the MPLS protocol CQL 10, and sets the
queue top to correspond with EXP value 5.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] qos pql 10 protocol mpls-exp 5 queue top
remark mpls-exp
Syntax remark mpls-exp exp-value
undo remark mpls-exp
View Traffic behavior view
Parameters exp-value: EXP value of MPLS, in the range 0 to 7.
Description Use the
remark mpls-exp command to configure the EXP value of remarked
MPLS packet.
Use the
undo remark mpls-exp command to remove the configuration.
Related commands: traffic classifier, qos policy, classifier behavior.
Examples # Set EXP value of remarked MPLS packet to 0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] traffic behavior database
[Sysname-behavior-database] remark mpls-exp 0