<Sysname> display vrrp verbose
IPv4 Standby Information:
Run Method : VIRTUAL-MAC
Virtual IP Ping : Enable
Interface : Ethernet1/0
VRID : 1 Adver. Timer : 1
Admin Status : UP State : Master
Config Pri : 100 Run Pri : 100
Preempt Mode : YES Delay Time : 0
Auth Type : NONE
Track IF : Ethernet1/1 Pri Reduced : 10
Track Object : 1 Pri Reduced : 10
Virtual IP :
Virtual MAC : 0000-5e00-0101
Master IP :
display vrrp statistics
Syntax display vrrp statistics [ interface interface-type interface-number [ vrid
virtual-router-id ]]
View Any view
Table 588 Description on the fields of the display vrrp command
Field Description
Run Method Current VRRP running mode, real MAC or virtual MAC
Virtual IP Ping Whether you can ping the virtual IP address of the standby group
Interface Interface to which the standby group belongs
VRID Number of the standby group
Adver. Timer VRRP advertisement interval
Admin Status Administrative state: UP or DOWN
State Status of the router in the standby group, master, backup, or initialize
Config Pri Configured priority
Run Pri Running priority
Preempt Mode Preemption mode
Delay Time Preemption delay
Auth Type Authentication type
Track IF The interface to be tracked. It is displayed only after the execution of the
vrrp vrid track interface command.
Track Object The object to be tracked. It is displayed only after the execution of the
vrrp vrid track command.
Pri Reduced The priority value that is reduced when the interface being tracked is
It is displayed only after the execution of the vrrp vrid track command.
Virtual IP Virtual IP addresses of the standby group
Virtual MAC Virtual MAC address corresponding to the virtual IP address of the
standby group. It is displayed only when the router is in the state of
Master IP Primary IP address of the interface to which the router in the state of
master belongs