Parameters seconds: Specifies the LSP refresh interval in seconds, ranging from 1 to 65534.
Description Use the
timer lsp-refresh command to set the LSP refresh interval.
Use the undo timer lsp-refresh to restore the default.
The default is 900 seconds.
Using this feature, you can keep LSPs in synchronization for the whole area.
Related commands: timer lsp-max-age.
To refresh LSPs before they are aged out, the interval set by the timer lsp-refresh
command must be smaller than that set by the timer lsp-max-age command.
Examples # Set the LSP refresh interval to 1500 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] isis
[Sysname-isis-1] timer lsp-refresh 1500
timer spf
Syntax timer spf maximum-interval [ minimum-interval [ incremental-interval ]]
undo timer spf
View IS-IS view
Parameters maximum-interval: Specifies the maximum interval (in seconds) for SPF
calculations, ranging from 1 to 120.
minimum-interval: Specifies the minimum interval (in milliseconds) for SPF
calculations, ranging from 10 to 60000.
incremental-interval: Specifies the incremental interval (in milliseconds) for SPF
calculations, ranging from 10 to 60000.
Description Use the
timer spf command to set the time intervals for ISIS routing calculation.
Use the
undo timer spf command to restore the default.
The default IS-IS SPF calculation interval is 10 seconds.
When the network changes are infrequent, the SPF calculation interval decreases
to the minimum interval. When the network changes become frequent, the
calculation interval is increased by inc-interval*(2
), (n is the number of network
changes that triggered SPF calculations) until the maximum interval is reached.
With this feature, you can prevent the router from over consumption due to
frequent network changes.