
quit Exit from current command view
super Privilege current user a specified priority level
telnet Establish one TELNET connection
tracert Trace route function
undo Undo a command or set to its default status
# Enable user 1 to access level 3 commands.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] local-user user1
New local user added.
[Sysname-luser-user1] level 3
Syntax user-interface { first-num1 [ last-num1 ] | { aux | console | tty | vty } first-num2
[ last-num2 ]}
View System view
Parameter first-num1: Absolute number of the first user interface. The value range varies
with devices, and normally starts from 0.
last-num1: Absolute number of the last user interface. The value range varies with
devices, and normally starts from 0, but cannot be smaller than the first-num1.
first-num2: Relative number of the first user interface, in the following rules:
For the AUX port, the value is 0.
For the Console port, the value is 0.
For TTY user interfaces, the value range varies with devices, and normally starts
from 1.
For VTY user interfaces, the value ranges from 0 to 4.
last-num2: Relative number of the last user interface, in the following rules:
For TTY user interfaces, the value range varies with devices, and normally starts
from (first-num2+1).
For VTY user interfaces, the value ranges from (first-num2+1) to 4.
Description Use the
user-interface command to enter a single or multiple user interface
Example # Enter Console user interface view.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] user-interface console 0
# Enter the user interface view of VTY 0 to 3.