display x25 template
Syntax display x25 template [ name ]
View Any view
Parameter Name: Name of an X.25 template.
Description Use the
display x25 template command to display the information of an X.25
template, including the configuration concerning X.25 and LAPB.
Hello(TX/RX) Number of the transmitted and received Hello messages.
Hello messages are sent for maintaining link state.
Hello_ack(TX/RX) Number of transmitted and received Hello acknowledgement
Hello_ack messages are sent notifying receipt of the Hello
Add_link(TX/RX) Number of transmitted and received Add_link messages.
Add_link messages are sent notifying the peer that the local
node is ready for processing frames.
Add_link_ack(TX/RX) Number of transmitted and received Add_link
acknowledgment messages.
Add_link_ack messages are sent notifying receipt of the
Add_link messages.
Add_link_rej(TX/RX) Number of transmitted and received Add_link reject messages.
Add_link_rej messages are sent notifying reject of the
Add_link messages.
Remove_link(TX/RX) Number of transmitted and received Remove_link messages.
Remove_link messages are sent notifying removal of a link
from the bundle.
Remove_link_ack(TX/RX) Number of transmitted and received Remove_link_ack
Remove_link_ack messages are sent notifying receipt of the
Remove_link messages.
Pkts dropped(in/out) Number of dropped incoming and outgoing packets.
Timer: Ack 4 Time waiting for a Hello_ack message before a Hello message
or an Add_link message (for initial synchronization) is
retransmitted on the bundle link.
Hello 10 Intervals for sending Hello messages.
Retry: max 2 Maximum number of Hello or Add_link sending retries made
when no Hello_ack or Add_link_ack is received on the bundle
Current 0 Number of retries
Cause code Cause resulting in the current state of the bundle link.
Bundle Link fragment
Fragment statistics on the bundle link
Table 51 Description on the fields of the display mfr verbose command
Field Description