debugging dhcp server
Syntax debugging dhcp server { all | error | event | packet }
undo debugging dhcp server { all | error | event | packet }
View User view
Default Level 1: Monitor level
Parameters all: All types of debugging for DHCP server.
error: DHCP server error debugging.
event: DHCP server event debugging.
packet: DHCP server packet debugging.
Description Use the
debugging dhcp server command to enable DHCP server debugging.
Use the undo debugging dhcp server command to disabled DHCP server
By default, DHCP server debugging is disabled.
Table 138 Description on the fields of the debugging dhcp server packet command
Field Description
Rx/Tx Receiving/sending operation
Interface InterfaceName Receiving interface
Message type: MessageType DHCP message type, that is, request or reply.
Hardware type: HardwareType Hardware type of the DHCP client
Hardware address length:
Hardware address length of the DHCP client
Hops: Hops Hops that a DHCP message traveled
Transaction ID: TransactionID A random number generated when the DHCP client
initiates an application, which uniquely identifies an
application process.
Seconds: Seconds Time elapsed since the DHCP client initiated the
application. It is not used currently, and its value is set
to 0.