LSP ID: 1 Tunnel ID: 1
Upstream Label: 3
Token bucket rate: 0.00 Token bucket size: 0.00
display mpls rsvp-te rsb-content
Syntax display mpls rsvp-te rsb-content { ingress-lsr-id Ispid tunnel-id egress-lsr-id
nexthop-address } [ | { begin | include | exclude } regular-expression ]
View Any view
Parameter ingress-lsr-id: Ingress LSR ID.
lspid: Local LSP ID, in the range 1 to 65,535.
tunnel-id: Tunnel ID, in the range 0 to 65,535.
egress-lsr-id: Egress LSR ID.
nexthop-address: Next hop address.
|: Filters output by regular expression.
begin: Displays information beginning with a defined regular expression.
include: Displays information that includes a defined regular expression.
exclude: Displays information that excludes a defined regular expression.
regular-expression: Regular expression, a string of 1 to 80 characters without
Description Use the
display mpls rsvp-te rsb-content command to display information
about RSVP-TE reservation state blocks (RSBs).
Example # Display information about RSVP-TE RSBs.
<Sysname> display mpls rsvp-te rsb-content 1 0 101.1
The RSB Content:
Table 400 Description on the fields of display mpls rsvp-te reservation
Field Description
Interface Ethernet1/0 RSVP-TE enabled Ethernet interface
Tunnel Dest Tunnel destination, in the format of X.X.X.X
Ingress LSR ID Ingress LSR ID, in the format of X.X.X.X
Tunnel ID Tunnel ID
Upstream Label Upstream label
Token Bucket rate Token bucket rate, a traffic parameter
Token Bucket Size Token bucket size, a traffic parameter