Parameter interface-number.subnumber: Interface number. The interface-number argument
is the primary interface number, and the subnumber argument is the sub-interface
number, ranging from 0 to 1023.
Description Use the
interface mfr command to create an MFR interface or an MFR
sub-interface and enter the specified MFR interface view or MFR sub-interface
Use the
undo interface mfr command to remove an MFR interface.
Create the corresponding MFR interface before creating an MFR sub-interface.
Example # Create MFR 3.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface mfr 3
interface mp-group
Syntax interface mp-group mp-number
undo interface mp-group mp-number
View System view
Parameter mp-number: MP-group interface number, ranging from 0 to 1023.
Description Use the
interface mp-group command to create an MP-group interface and
enter the specified MP-group interface view.
Use the
undo interface mp-group command to remove an MP-group interface.
This command can be used in conjunction with the ppp mp mp-group
command. You can execute the two commands regardless of sequence.
Example # Create MP-group 3.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface mp-group 3
interface null
Syntax interface null 0
View System view
Parameter 0: Specifies the null interface number.