
You may use this command to adapt values of bits C and D to different line
signaling coding schemes. The settings of bits A and B in this command however
are not necessarily the real ones during transmission.
Related command: cas and reverse.
Example # Set bits C and D of R2 line signaling to 11.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] controller e1 1/0
[Sysname-e1 1/0] timeslot-set 0 timeslot-list 1-31 signal r2
[Sysname-e1 1/0] cas 0
[Sysname-cas1/0:0] renew 0011
Syntax reverse ABCD
undo reverse
View R2 CAS view
Parameter ABCD: Indicates whether corresponding ABCD bits in R2 signaling need inversion.
Each argument in this command takes either of the two values: 0 for normal or 1
for inversion. The default is 0000, that is, inversion disabled.
Description Use the
reverse command to configure line signal inversion mode.
Use the undo reverse command to invert ABCD bits of the current line signaling
whose values are “1” after the reverse command is executed.
This command applies to R2 signaling only.
You may configure an interface to invert the values of any ABCD bits before
sending or after receiving a line signal by replacing 0 with 1 or vice versa.
Related command: cas and renew.
Example # Invert the values of bits B and D in R2 line signaling.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] controller e1 1/0
[Sysname-e1 1/0] timeslot-set 0 timeslot-list 1-31 signal r2
[Sysname-e1 1/0] cas 0
[Sysname-cas1/0:0] reverse 0101
seizure-ack enable
Syntax seizure-ack enable