replay packet: 0
packet too long: 0
wrong SA: 0
display ipsec tunnel
Syntax display ipsec tunnel
View Any view
Parameter None
Description Use the
display ipsec tunnel command to display IPSec tunnel information.
Example # Display information about IPSec tunnels.
<Sysname> display ipsec tunnel
total tunnel : 1
Connection ID : 3
Perfect forward secrecy: None
SA’s SPI :
Inbound : 187199087 (0xb286e6f) [ESP]
Outbound : 3562274487 (0xd453feb7) [ESP]
Tunnel :
Local Address: Remote Address :
Flow : (8 times matched)
Sour Addr : Port: 0 Protocol : IP
Table 567 Description on the fields of the display ipsec statistics command
Field Description
input/output security packets Number of inbound IPSec protected packets and number
of outbound IPSec protected packets
input/output security bytes Number of inbound IPSec protected bytes and number of
outbound IPSec protected bytes
input/output dropped security
Number of inbound IPSec protected packets that are
discarded by the device and number of outbound IPSec
protected packets that are discarded by the device
dropped security packet detail Detailed information about inbound/outbound packets
that get dropped
not enough memory Number of packets dropped due to lack of memory
can’t find SA Number of packets dropped due to finding no security
queue is full Number of packets dropped due to full queues
authentication has failed Number of packets dropped due to authentication failure
wrong length Number of packets dropped due to wrong packet length
replay packet Number of packets replayed
packet too long Number of packets dropped due to excessive packet
wrong SA Number of packets dropped due to improper SA