<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] isis
[Sysname-isis-1] summary
timer isp-generation
Syntax timer lsp-generation maximum-interval [ initial-interval [ incremental-interval ]]
[ level-1 | level-2 ]
undo timer lsp-generation [ level-1 | level-2 ]
View IS-IS view
Parameters maximum-interval: Maximum interval in seconds for generating ISIS LSPs, in the
range 1 to 120.
initial-interval: Initial interval in milliseconds for generating ISIS LSPs, in the range
10 to 60000. The default is 0.
incremental-interval: Incremental interval (in milliseconds), in the range 10 to
60000. The default is 0.
level-1: Applies the specified intervals to generating level-1 LSPs.
level-2: Applies the specified intervals to generating level-1 LSPs.
Description Use the
timer lsp-generation command to specify intervals for ISIS LSP
Use the
undo timer isp-generation command to restore the default.
By default, the LSP generation interval is 2 seconds.
■ If only the maximum interval is specified, this maximum interval is the LSP
generation interval.
■ If both the maximum and initial intervals are specified, the system can adjust
the LSP generation interval upon topology changes. When the topology is
stable, the initial interval applies as the LSP generation interval. When topology
changes become frequent, the LSP generation interval is the maximum or initial
■ If all the maximum, initial and incremental intervals are specified, the system
will adjust the LSP generation interval upon topology changes in this way:
when the network changes are infrequent, the initial interval applies as the LSP
generation interval. When the network changes become frequent, the
generation interval changes between the initial and maximum intervals based
on the specified incremental interval.
By using this command to adjust the LSP generation interval, you can save the
bandwidth and router resources that may be wasted due to frequent network