Description Use the ipv6 nd autoconfig other-flag command to set the other stateful
configuration flag (O) flag to 1 so that the host can acquire information other than
IPv6 address through stateful autoconfiguration (for example, DHCP server).
Use the
undo ipv6 nd autoconfig other-flag command to remove the setting
so that the host can acquire other information through stateless
By default, the O flag is set to 0.
Example # Configure the host to acquire information other than IPv6 address through
stateless autoconfiguration.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface ethernet 1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] undo ipv6 nd autoconfig other-flag
ipv6 nd dad attempts
Syntax ipv6 nd dad attempts value
undo ipv6 nd dad attempts
View Interface view
Parameter value: Number of attempts to send an NS message for DAD, in the range of 0 to
600. The default value is “1”. When it is set to 0, the DAD is disabled.
Description Use the
ipv6 nd dad attempts command to configure the number of attempts
to send an NS message for DAD.
Use the
undo ipv6 nd dad attempts command to restore the default.
By default, the number of attempts to send an NS message for DAD is 1.
Example # Set the number of attempts to send an NS message for DAD to 20.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface ethernet 1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] ipv6 nd dad attempts 20
ipv6 nd hop-limit
Syntax ipv6 nd hop-limit value
undo ipv6 nd hop-limit
View System view