
display acfp rule-info
Syntax display acfp rule-info { in-interface [ interface-type interface-number ] |
out-interface [ interface-type interface-number ] | policy [ client-id policy-index ]}
View Any view
Parameters in-interface: Displays ACFP rule information in order of inbound interface. The
ACFP rule information which does not include the inbound interface is not
out-interface: Displays ACFP rule information in order of outbound interface. The
ACFP rule information which does not include the outbound interface is not
interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by interface type and
interface number.
policy: Displays the ACFP rule information in order of policy.
client-id: ACFP client ID, in the range of 1 to 2147483647.
policy-index: Policy index, in the range of 1 to 2147483647.
Description Use the
display acfp rule-info command to display ACFP rule information.
Idx Hash index
SIP Source IP address
SPort Source port number
DIP Destination IP address
DPort Destination port number
Pro Protocol of the packet, in the range of 0 to 255
InIf Inbound interface of the packet
OutIf Outbound interface of the packet
Precedence Packet precedence, a number in the range of 0 to 7
Tos Type of service, a number in the range of 0 to 15
DSCP Differentiated services codepoint, containing 0 to 63
characters for Be, Ef, Af11, Af12, Af13, Af21, Af22, Af23,
Af31, Af32, Af33, Af41, Af42, Af43, Cs1, Cs2, Cs3, Cs4,
Cs5, Cs6, and Cs7 and 0 to 63 numbers for other modes
Establish Whether the packet is a TCP connection establishing
packet: true (TCP connection establishing packet) and false
(non-TCP connection establishing packet)
Fragment Whether the packet is a fragment: true (fragment) and false
Action Action: permit, deny, mirror, and redirect
Table 652 Description on the fields of the display acfp rule-cache command
Field Description