
Example # Set the dot match rule of number substitution rule list 20 to right-left.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] voice-setup
[Sysname-voice] dial-program
[Sysname-voice-dial] number-substitute 20
[Sysname-voice-dial-substitute20] dot-match right-left
Syntax first-rule rule-number
undo first-rule
View Voice number-substitute view
Parameter rule-number: Serial number of a number substitution rule (namely, the serial
number of a number substitution rule configured by using the rule command), in
the range of 0 to 31.
Description Use the
first-rule to configure a preferred number substitution rule in the current
number substitution rule list.
Use the
undo first-rule command to remove the configured preferred number
substitution rule.
By default, no preferred number substitution rule is configured.
In a voice call, the system first uses the rule defined by the first-rule command for
number substitution. If this rule fails to apply or is not configured, it will try to
apply all other rules in order until one or none of them applies.
Example # Specify rule 4 in number substitution list 20 as the preferred rule.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] voice-setup
[Sysname-voice] dial-program
[Sysname-voice-dial] number-substitute 20
[Sysname-voice-dial-substitute20] rule 4 663 3
[Sysname-voice-dial-substitute20] first-rule 4
max-call (in voice dial program view)
Syntax max-call set-number max-number
undo max-call { set-number I all }
View Voice dial program view
Parameter set-number: Number identifying a maximum-call-connection set, in the range of 1
to 2,147,483,647. At most 256 maximum-call-connection sets can be configured.