
# Enable IP multicast routing in VPN instance mvpn, and enable MSDP in VPN
instance mvpn and enter MSDP view of VPN instance mvpn.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ip vpn-instance mvpn
[Sysname-vpn-instance-mvpn]route-distinguisher 100:1
[Sysname-vpn-instance-mvpn] multicast routing-enable
[Sysname-vpn-instance-mvpn] quit
[Sysname] msdp vpn-instance mvpn
Syntax originating-rp interface-type interface-number
undo originating-rp
View Public instance MSDP view, VPN instance MSDP view
Parameter interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number.
Description Use the
originating-rp command to configure the address of the specified
interface as the RP address of SA messages.
Use the
undo originating-rp command to restore the system default.
Be default, the PIM RP address is used as the RP address of SA messages.
Example # Specify the IP address of Ethernet 1/0 as the RP address of SA messages in the
public instance.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] msdp
[Sysname-msdp] originating-rp ethernet 1/0
peer connect-interface
Syntax peer peer-address connect-interface interface-type interface-number
undo peer peer-address
View Public instance MSDP view, VPN instance MSDP view
Parameter peer-address: MSDP peer address.
interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number.
The local device will use the IP address of the specified interface as the source IP
address when setting up a TCP connection with the remote MSDP peer.
Description Use the
peer connect-interface command to create an MSDP peer connection.